
Museum Ludwig
Mapping the Collection

Culture Identity, Campaign, Print
In collaboration with Lisa Baumgarten, we took on this particular commission for the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. Curated by Janice Mitchell, the museum examined its own collection from a queer-feminist, decolonial perspective.

Developing a key visual for the exhibition brought three different forms of mappings into play. First, the re-mapping of the museum's collection on a content basis. Second, the creation of topographic maps by superimposing complex information layer by layer. And third, texturing digital 3D objects by wrapping images around the objects in question.

“The ex­hi­bi­tion Map­ping the Col­lec­tion takes a new look at two in­flu­en­tial de­cades in Amer­i­can (art) his­to­ry: the 1960s and 1970s. The ex­hi­bi­tion pre­sents a se­lec­tion of art­works from the Mu­se­um Lud­wig’s col­lec­tion by fe­male, queer, and in­dige­nous artists as well as artists of col­or who are not rep­re­sent­ed in the col­lec­tion, as an im­pe­tus for a broad­er re­cep­tion of Amer­i­can art. The po­lit­i­cal and so­cial events and de­vel­op­ments of th­ese two de­cades form the back­ground against which our West­ern Eu­ro­pean con­cep­tion and re­cep­tion of Amer­i­can art his­to­ry is crit­i­cal­ly ques­tioned. […]”Excerpt: Museum Ludwig

Facade banner
Moving Poster, City Lights, online banners 
Glossary and tote bag 
Image transformation recipe: Artwork > Mapping > 3D Topography 

Work Done: 
Concept, Design System, 3D Artwork, Animation, Editorial, Print

Concept and Design: Paul Steinmann & Lisa Baumgarten
Title-Font: Impact Nieuw 2019 by Jungmyung Lee
Animation: Paul Steinmann
Curated by Janice Mitchell

Paul Steinmann
Creative Consultancy
Muskauer Str. 8
10997 Berlin

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