
Substitute I–IV

Subsitutes I-IV / On Doubt in the Living is a recent collaborative installation by Clas Steinmann & Paul Steinmann

Four tables with integrated flat display cases/showcases form the framework for the installation Substitute. Substitute stands for archive/collect, skin/heal, construct/simulate, replace, draw/tatooing. The showcases are stages for independent themes that nevertheless correspond with each other. The contents were developed by Paul Steinmann and Clas Steinmann for the exhibition with the help of communication software, 3D programs, 3D pen and other programs. Analog and digital found objects were the source material.
Shown 23.06. – 23.07.2023 @ekatrier @kunsthalletrier as part of the group exhibition „ReNEW“, selected by an independent jury, curated by @andreas_hamacher

Work Done: 
Concept and Production

Concept & Production: Clas Steinmann, Paul Steinmann
Exhibition "ReNEW" curated by: Andreas Hamacher, Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst Trier e. V. 
European Art Academy Trier: Simon Santschi

w/ works by artist duos Liane Deffert & Ute Krautkremer, Martina Diederich & Jehan Abuaffar, René Dietle & Karin Christoph, Christoph Napp-Zinn & Jáchym Fleig, Anna Recker & Gérard Claude, Clas Steinmann & Paul Steinmann, and Albrecht Wien & Jörn Lucius Plaß

Paul Steinmann
Creative Consultancy
Muskauer Str. 8
10997 Berlin

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